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Qualified outdoor climbing instructor in scotland

About Me

Hi, I’m Brendan. I’m very good at making people feel great about themselves through indoor and outdoor climbing. Having had a fear of heights when I first started climbing, I now relish working with those who say they have no upper body strength, it’s not for them, they’re too scared, or they’re too old/unfit/insert-negative-adjective-here. I can find the bit of them that can climb, not the bit that can’t; and it’s very empowering! You may think that climbing’s not for you… but you won’t know until you’ve tried climbing with Height Club!

Climbing since 1995; professional since 2016.

Qualified as RCI, CWI, CWDI. Current Outdoor 1st Aid Certificate and commercial Insurance. 

Foundation Coach Trained – assessment to follow soon.

Completed FUNDAS Level 1 and 2 courses to teach climbing movement and technique.

Member of Mountaineering Scotland and Mountain Training Association.

25 years experience as a primary school teacher in a previous life so I’m pretty good at working with frightened/ excited/ frozen/ nervous people and getting the best out of people in stressful situations. 

What we do

We take competent indoor climbers outdoors to climb on real rock (top-roping, or “seconding” traditional lead climbs). Note that we don’t teach outdoor lead climbing.

We run Family climbs and Kids’ parties (9yo+) outdoors. These are suitable for the general population, with no climbing experience needed.

We run adult groups outdoors – team-building, corporate, stags/hens, or simply a bunch of friends wanting to try something different or see a different side of Scotland. No climbing experience needed.

We teach parents how to belay and look after kids, so they can then take them to an indoor climbing wall without paying for instructors (we do this course outdoors!)

We teach adult beginners how to belay and look after each other, so they can then go to an indoor climbing wall without paying for instructors (we do this course outdoors!)

We do very gentle sessions for those with a fear of heights or wishing to build confidence.

We do climbing dates! Come climbing somewhere lovely and instagrammable with someone special (note: Height Club can’t find you someone special; you have to do that yourself!).

Outdoor climbing courses in scotland
outdoor climbing sessions in scotland

We also run an indoor ‘Post-Beginners Technique’ course aimed at recent indoor climbers, especially boulderers. This is designed to give people all the info they need to get into V3 territory or more, and is run indoors at our favourite bouldering wall.

We supply harnesses, helmets, and all rope and rigging stuff, and we do all the set-up. You don’t need any climbing kit (but you’re welcome to bring any if you have it).

Where we go

Our Kids/Adult/Family groups are generally in Edinburgh itself or at the pretty coastal town of North Berwick (easy train from Edinburgh, or 50 min drive). Smaller groups or indoor climbers going outdoors can be at a range of sport or trad venues chosen to suit their ability and logistics.

When we go

Height Club usually has Mon, Thu, Fri, and Sat as working days, but other days can sometimes be available. We think April-October is a good bet, and we can be out daytime or evening.